Parliamentary Speeches & Responses

Wendouree Electorate Schools – Adjournment Matter

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is for the minister to provide me with an update on what measures are being undertaken to keep our students safe and our schools open throughout term 1 in my electorate of Wendouree.

Share These Stories – Member’s Statement

Congratulations to Headspace Ballarat and Western Victoria Primary Health Network on the launch of Share these Stories, an innovative and powerful anthology by authors who have lived experiences of mental health challenges.

Justice Legislation Amendment (Trial by Judge Alone and Other Matters) Bill 2022 – Second Reading Debate

I am delighted to be speaking and rising before you today. I am very, very pleased to be here to make a contribution and to support the Justice Legislation Amendment (Trial by Judge Alone and Other Matters) Bill 2022, a bill that supports our government’s response to COVID-19 by ensuring that the justice system continues to function not only safety but effectively during the ongoing pandemic.

Wendouree Electorate Sports Facilities – Adjournment Matter

I direct my adjournment to the Minister for Community Sport, and the action that I seek is for her to provide me with an update on the Victorian government’s investment in two very important community sports facilities in my electorate of Wendouree.

Ballarat Sporting Infrastructure – Adjournment Matter

I direct my adjournment matter to the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, and the action I seek is for him to provide me with an update on the Victorian government’s investment in major sporting infrastructure and events in Ballarat.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My question is for the Minister for Regional Development. Will the minister please advise when the successful applicants for the current round of the Regional Infrastructure Fund will be announced?

Ballarat Lyric Theatre – Member’s Statement

Another wonderful example of the best of our community is the Lyric Theatre and the cast of We Will Rock You, which finally reopened on Thursday after being cancelled last year.

Addressing Homelessness Within Wendouree – Ministerial Response

I thank Ms Addison, Member Wendouree, for her question. The Victorian Government is very supportive of the work the Committee for Ballarat Future Shapers does. Please extend my thanks for organising the forum ‘Ballarat, where are you sleeping tonight?’.