Parliamentary Speeches & Responses

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My question is directed to the Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Minister for Youth regarding support for grassroots community sport in my electorate of Wendouree.

Yuille Park Community College – Member’s Statement

Congratulations to Yuille Park Community College, which received the HART Award in the schools or early years category last week. The HART Awards—Helping Achieve Reconciliation Together—are a partnership between the Victorian Local Governance Association and Reconciliation Victoria.

Education and Training Reform Amendment (Protection of School Communities) Bill 2021 – Second Reading

It is an absolute pleasure to stand up and talk about an area that I have such a great interest in, that being the education of future generations of Victorians, and today talking about the protection of our schools, protecting our school communities and protecting our teachers. Our teachers need protection, very sadly. That is why this bill has been introduced, and I am very, very proud to go in to bat for teachers. After being a teacher myself for 12 years and having lots and lots of very good friends who are teachers, I am so proud to go in to bat for them and support this very important Education and Training Reform Amendment (Protection of School Communities) Bill 2021.

Ballarat GovHub – Ministerial Response

Thank you for your question and for the kind thanks extended to all involved in the project. It was a pleasure to have you join me for the official opening of the Ballarat GovHub on Wednesday 21 April.

Medically Supervised Injecting Facilities – Matter of Public Importance

I too welcome the opportunity to contribute to this discussion about how we should treat vulnerable Victorians who are experiencing issues of drug addiction. I am proud that the Andrews Labor government addresses the issues of opioid addiction as a health concern, through a lens of care and compassion.

Ballarat Manufacturing Jobs – Member’s Statement

Ballarat has a proud history of building trains, and this is set to continue following last week’s almost $1 billion announcement to build 25 brand new X’trapolis 2.0 trains in my electorate of Wendouree. I thank the Treasurer for this huge investment in Ballarat and congratulate him on the excellent 2021–22 state budget that creates jobs and cares for Victoria.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My constituency question is directed to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers. It is about strengthening food relief in my community to ensure healthy food reaches those in need.

Local Government Gender Equality – Adjournment

Click Here for Video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:07): My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Local Government, and the action that I seek is for the minister to provide me with an update on how the Andrews Labor government is working towards increasing the..

Non Emergency Patient Transport Amendment Bill 2021 – Second Reading

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (14:58): I am very, very pleased to stand up and talk about this very important legislation that we are introducing to the Parliament today, that being the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Amendment Bill 2021, because this will ensure that patient safety remains at the..

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency question

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (11:45): My question is directed to the Minister for Public Transport and Minister for Roads and Road Safety regarding the Lydiard Street heritage gates and the reopening of Lydiard Street to vehicles. Will the minister please come to Ballarat to provide an..

Frank Sheehan, OAM – Member’s Statement

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (10:00): I too wish to pay my respects to the life of Frank Sheehan, OAM, who passed away yesterday. Frank was a valued member of the Ballarat community and a former Labor member of the Victorian Parliament, representing Ballarat South from 1982..

Wendouree Electorate Mental Health Services – Adjournment Matter

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:23): My adjournment matter is for the Acting Premier and Minister for Mental Health, and the action that I seek is for the Acting Premier or his representative to officially open the Ballarat Community Health mental health and wellbeing hub in my..

International Women’s Day – Ministerial Response

I thank the Member for Wendouree for the opportunity to highlight the work of the Victorian Government in supporting and improving the lives of women and girls across the state – including in Ballarat.

Budget Papers 2020–21 – Motion

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (17:37): It is an absolute joy to stand here tonight, a fortnight out from our next budget, to reflect on the amazing 2020–21 Victorian budget that was handed down in November. The 2020–21 budget certainly does deliver for Wendouree, and the Andrews..

Mental Health Services in Ballarat – Ministerial Response

We know that the current mental health system is letting down people who need it most. In rural and regional areas this is exacerbated by a lack of local services as well as limited availability of specialist expertise, private mental healthcare or services for infants, children and young people.