Parliamentary Speeches & Responses

George Devine Treloar & September 11 Commemoration – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (10:00:48): It was wonderful to join with so many members of the Australian-Greek community, as well as Lee Tarlamis, former minister John Pandazopoulos and the Consul General of Greece for the official unveiling of the George Devine Treloar..

Workplace Manslaughter Legislation – Ministerial Response

The Victorian Government committed to introducing a new criminal offence of workplace manslaughter to hold corporations and individual officers accountable where their negligence leads to the death of an employee or member of the public.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (12:48:15): My constituency question is for the Minister for Solar Homes, and it is about the uptake of the Solar Homes package rebates in my electorate of Wendouree. I am proud the Solar Homes initiative is helping Victorian households to cut their..

Children Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 – Second Reading Debate

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (14:34:38): I stand today to support the Children Legislation Amendment Bill 2019. I wish to thank the Minister for Child Protection and the Attorney-General, their offices and the relevant government departments for the work that has gone into..

Ballarat Events – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (10:03:21): What a weekend we have had in Ballarat: performance, motorsport, art and footy—something for everyone. Not only was Ballarat alive with the sound of music at the Royal South Street Eisteddfod but Ballarat hosted world-class motorsport with..

Wendouree Electorate Home and Community Care – Adjournment

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:16:20): I direct my adjournment matter to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers, and the action that I seek is for him to provide me with a detailed update on the waiting times for home care packages for the elderly in..

Budget Papers 2019-2020 – Motion

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (17:40:18): I am so pleased to rise today to talk about the many great benefits that the Victorian state budget will bring to the electorate of Wendouree. From Brown Hill to Alfredton, from Redan to Mount Rowan and..

Sunshine Letters Campaign – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (09:43:18): Last week was Homelessness Week and I wish to recognise Ailish Ryan, a young Ballarat girl with a big heart who inspires me. After seeing firsthand people who were homeless, Ailish wanted to make a difference for..

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (11:50:06): My question is for the Minister for Roads in the other place and is about the Ballarat Safer Cycling Connections Sturt Street shared path in my electorate of Wendouree. Sturt Street is Ballarat’s iconic boulevard and the spine of our beautiful..

The Ballarat Forensic Hub – Ministerial Response

I thank the Member for Wendouree for her interest in the new forensic hub in Ballarat and agree this is great news for the community. I toured the facility prior to its opening in May and am confident this investment will have a significant impact on crime investigation.

Ballarat Forensic Police Hub – Adjournment

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:15:33): I direct my adjournment matter to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and the action I seek is for the minister to join me in Winter Valley in the Wendouree electorate to inspect the new forensic hub and meet the highly..

Her Majesty’s Theatre, Ballarat – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (10:00:25): Ballarat’s Her Majesty’s Theatre is in need of urgent structural repairs to be safe for performers, patrons and visitors, and the Andrews Labor government is committed to saving it. Her Maj was opened in 1875 and is..

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (11:38:33): My question is for the Minister for Roads in the other place about three upgrades to Sturt Street west intersections adjacent to a number of schools in my electorate of Wendouree. There are plans are to upgrade the Sturt Street and..

Workplace Manslaughter Legislation – Adjournment

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:11:15): I direct my adjournment matter to the Attorney-General, and the action I seek is for her to provide me with a detailed update on the progress of the development of the workplace manslaughter legislation and the work of the implementation task..

Public Holidays Amendment Bill 2019 – Second Reading

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (18:02:03): Thank you Acting Speaker, I rise today to speak in support of the Public Holidays Amendment Bill 2019. This is an important bill for Victorians. It makes provision for certain public holidays, they being Easter Sunday, the..