
Ballarat Specialist School – Adjournment Matter

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action that I seek is for the minister to visit my electorate of Wendouree to celebrate the practical completion of construction works of new classrooms and facilities at the Ballarat Specialist School.

Investing in Police and Community Safety – Ministerial Response

I commend the Victoria Police members who responded to the recent tragic events in your electorate of Wendouree. Their dedication to the community will not be forgotten. My deepest sympathies are with those who have been impacted by these tragedies.

Road to 120 Program – Member Statement

It was great to visit St Patrick’s College Ballarat last week with the Minister for Roads and Road Safety and the member for Ripon to launch the Road to 120 program.

Soul+Food – Member Statement

I want to acknowledge the great work of Soul+Food in my electorate of Wendouree, a service which offers non-judgemental support to those who need it by supplying food items and personal care products.

Ballarat Gold Mine – Motion

I too am very saddened to rise to express and share my condolences to the family of Kurt Hourigan, who was fatally killed – he did not die at work, he was killed – at work.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My constituency question is for the Minister for Police. How is the Allan Labor government’s record investment in Victorian police and community safety supporting my electorate of Wendouree?

Alstom Ballarat Site Visit – Adjournment Matter

I wish to raise an adjournment matter for the Minister for Public and Active Transport regarding the manufacture of X’trapolis 2.0 trains at the Alstom rail workshop in Ballarat.

Western Victoria Fires – Member Statement

It has been a huge two weeks for communities to the west of Ballarat who have been impacted by fires. I am so grateful to the hundreds of people who have worked around the clock fighting fires, supporting the firefighters and caring for those evacuated from their homes, in relief centres.

Ruby Fagan, & Ballarat Cycle Classic – Member Statement

Happy 100th birthday to Ruby Fagan. I met Ruby for the first time at Bupa Aged Care in Delacombe on her birthday on Valentine’s Day and was immediately impressed by her. She was in excellent health and enjoying all the festivities to mark her centenary.

Alstom Site Visit – Ministerial Response

I thank the Member for Wendouree for her ongoing support and advocacy for a world-class public transport system for Victorians, and look forward to further opportunities to celebrate the success of the X’Trapolis 2.0 Project and manufacturing in Ballarat.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My constituency question is directed to the Minister for Mental Health and is regarding the implementation of the recommendations from the 2021 landmark Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and how that is benefiting my constituents in Wendouree.

Service Victoria Amendment Bill 2023 – Second Reading Debate

I am delighted to rise, following on from the member for Sandringham, to talk about the Service Victoria Amendment Bill 2023. I am standing up to support this amendment, which will further improve the delivery of digital government services across the state.