Parliamentary Speeches & Responses

Delacombe Development – Adjournment Matter

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Housing, and the action that I seek is that the minister come to my electorate of Wendouree to see how we are progressing the Delacombe master plan and the Big Housing Build construction.

Wendouree Electorate Health Infrastructure – Member Statement

The Andrews Labor government is delivering world-class health care at Grampians Health with a $6.5 million investment in robot-assisted surgery. This is only the fourth surgical robot in a public hospital in Victoria, with the other robots at hospitals in Melbourne and Geelong.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My question is to the Minister for Education. Will the minister please provide me with an update of how the tutor learning initiative is benefiting students in my electorate of Wendouree?

Ballarat Electorate – Member Statement

It is an absolute honour to be re-elected to represent the electorate of Wendouree in the 60th Parliament. Thank you to the Ballarat community for your strong support, and I promise to work hard every day to make Ballarat an even better place to live.

Racing Amendment (Unauthorised Access) Bill 2022 – Second Reading Debate

I am very pleased to rise today to support the Racing Amendment (Unauthorised Access) Bill 2022, which will further ensure the safety of Victoria’s racing events – especially in my electorate of Wendouree, which is home to Ballarat Greyhound Racing Club and Ballarat & District Trotting Club in Redan.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My constituency question is for the Minister for Public Transport. Would the minister please provide me with an update on the Andrews Labor government’s plan for cheaper regional public transport fares?

Wendouree Electorate Infrastructure – Adjournment Matter

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that I seek is for the minister to provide me with an update on the progress being made to deliver the Keeping Ballarat Moving projects that are upgrading and improving key intersections across my electorate of Wendouree.

Supporting Tourism & Showcasing Ballarat – Ministerial Response

The Andrews Labor Government knows that Ballarat and the surrounding region provide a significant contribution to the Victorian visitor economy. The area provides a growing variety of vibrant and diverse tourism offerings, attracting visitors from across Australia and the world.

Ballarat Projects – Ministerial Response

I am pleased to hear of the positive impact of the Government’s investments across the Ballarat region.  The Government’s investments have contributed to Ballarat’s growing economy and boosted local job opportunities.

Building Ballarat Housing – Ministerial Response

I thank Ms Addison, Member for Wendouree, for her question and interest in the historic $5.3 billion Big Housing Build and other social and affordable housing projects in the electorate of Wendouree.

Regional Robot-Assisted Surgery – Ministerial Response

For patients, robot-assisted surgery can lead to a faster recovery from surgery, shorter hospital stay and the opportunity to return to pre surgery activities more quickly. It will provide world class technology to patients in the Grampians region.

Ballarat Projects – Adjournment Matter

My adjournment matter is for the Treasurer, and the action I seek is for him to update me on how significant investment made by the Andrews Labor government in Ballarat between 2018 and 2022 has created jobs and supported the local economy.

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

My question is for the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events and Minister for Creative Industries. Will the minister please advise how the Andrews Labor government is continuing to support tourism for Ballarat?

Disability Amendment Bill 2022 – Second Reading Debate

I too rise to speak in support of the Disability Amendment Bill 2022, which will improve services, safeguards and protections for people with disability and will further acquit this government’s commitment to reviewing and reforming the Disability Act 2006.