Ballarat Train Station Precinct – Ministerial Response

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Original adjournment matter from Juliana Addison MP to Parliament –

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Regional Development, and the action that I seek is for the minister to update me on the progress of the Ballarat train station precinct redevelopment.

I am so excited to see the works continuing at the Ballarat train station precinct and cannot wait to see this fantastic project completed and enjoyed by community members and visitors. The Andrews Labor government committed $25 million and has partnered with the private sector to transform our historic railway station into a vibrant commercial, transport and community destination.

The three-level commuter car park with 405 spaces and the 77-room Quest hotel have been completed and look amazing, and our Ballarat station bus interchange is under construction and will improve the comfort and safety for passengers.

A significant feature of the Ballarat train station redevelopment is the restoration and repurposing of the heritage bluestone goods sheds that have been left to wreck and ruin. The goods sheds were in a state of decay and degradation from disuse and lack of upkeep. It will now be a fantastic place to enjoy a meal, catch up with friends for a drink or some dumplings, celebrate an event in the function space or attend a conference or seminar. The redevelopment also includes a public plaza for community events.

Importantly, this project is respecting and preserving the historical significance of the site and is subject to the Victorian Heritage Act 2017.

The Ballarat train station redevelopment has already led to job creation and opportunities for local contractors, suppliers and businesses. The redeveloped Ballarat train station precinct will be a great economic driver for our city and bring life to this under-utilised site at the heart of our community.

I thank the minister and the Andrews Labor government for this investment in my electorate. I look forward to receiving an update from the Minister for Regional Development about this important transformation of the Ballarat train station precinct.


Response from the Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP, Minister for Regional Development (4th March 2022) –

I am pleased to report that the Ballarat Station Precinct Redevelopment is now complete, and thank the Member for joining me at the official opening.

The Goods Shed Convention Centre, retail tenancies, access road and public plaza have all been finalised and the redevelopment has transformed the station precinct.

The redevelopment has been delivered by the Department of Jobs,Precincts and Regions (DJPR), working with the private sector developer – Pellicano Group of Companies. As you know, the multi-level commuter car park for rail patrons, and Quest Hotel for the precinct are complete and operating successfully.

The new convention centre in the refurbished heritage Goods Shed is now taking event bookings in anticipation of being open for business. It is a fabulous example of the re-purposing of a heritage building. The project has given a new life to the heritage bluestoneGoods Shed and transformed a derelict building into an asset that Ballarat can be proud of.

The Goods Shed will contain retail/food and beverage tenancies with leases for these tenancies currently being negotiated with potential operators to begin during the first half of 2022. The Government also increased the commuter parking provisions of the development during the project with the additional of a third deck to the multi-level car park. We are meeting the needs of Ballarat residents with transport infrastructure and a space to make memories for generations to come.

This redevelopment will be a true asset to the region as it continues to grow and flourish, and a proud legacy of the Andrews Labor Government.