Parliamentary Speeches & Responses

John Mildren and Craig Fletcher – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (13:56): The 18th of October marked the 40th anniversary of the election of John Mildren, OAM, to the federal seat of Ballarat. John’s election win was significant because it ended 25 years of Liberal representation in the seat of Ballarat…

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Questions

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (12:46): My question is directed to the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events and is about state government support to encourage tourists to visit and stay in Ballarat. I wish to thank the minister for his support..

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): My question is directed to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers about the provision of emergency food relief to people facing food insecurity in my community of Ballarat during the COVID pandemic and into the future. Some individuals and families in..

Ballarat Early Parenting Centre – Adjournment

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): I direct my adjournment matter to the Minister for Health. The action I seek is for him to provide me with a detailed update on the status and timeline for the Ballarat early parenting centre and how this important investment will assist..

Wendouree Electorate – Member’s Statement

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): The Andrews Labor government is continuing to deliver for the Ballarat community by supporting local manufacturing, small businesses, community organisations and sporting clubs through grants to help them through COVID and injecting money into the Ballarat economy to create jobs. Our $6.1 million..

Lydiard Street North, Ballarat – Adjournment

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): I direct my adjournment matter to the Minister for Public Transport, and the action I seek is for him to provide me with an update on the release of the report into the incident that resulted in significant damage to the heritage..

Wendouree Electorate – Constituency Question

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): My question is directed to the Minister for Employment and Minister for Small Business in the other place and is about business support for local businesses in my electorate of Wendouree. I wish to thank the minister for her support of Ballarat..

COVID-19 – Member’s Statement

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): Thank you to the Ballarat community for their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by following the rules and staying safe. Thanks for all you have given up. Thanks for coming up with creative ways to stay connected while staying at..

Early Childhood Education – Motion

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (20:05): What a difficult act to follow. The member for Mount Waverley is always such a delight to listen to—the insights that he brings to this house, the popular culture references. I must admit I do turn the..

Community Sport – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (13:53): Like many people, I love community sport. I know how important it is for building safer, stronger and healthy communities. Local clubs, leagues and associations have been hit hard by the coronavirus restrictions, and that is why..

Ballarat Arch of Victory – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (10:01): On 2 June 2020 we marked an important anniversary in Ballarat: the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Arch of Victory by His Royal Highness Prince Edward, the Prince of Wales. This prominent landmark, situated in Alfredton, is..

Wage Theft Bill 2020 – Second Reading Debate

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (12:12): I rise to speak in support of this very important legislation, the Wage Theft Bill 2020, an important bill that delivers on the Andrews Labor government’s commitment to criminalise wage theft and to establish Wage Inspectorate Victoria with..

COVID-19 – Member’s Statement

Ms ADDISON (Wendouree): I wish to thank the Ballarat community for their response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our willingness to adopt social distancing, wash our hands and stay at home has resulted our community achieving three consecutive weeks without a new COVID-19 case. This is..

Disability Service Safeguards Amendment Bill 2020 – Second Reading Debate

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (12:10): I welcome the opportunity to speak in support of the Disability Service Safeguards Amendment Bill 2020 and thank the member for Bendigo West and also the member for Ivanhoe for their contributions today. Disability is a policy area..

COVID-19 – Member’s Statement

Click here for video Ms ADDISON (Wendouree) (14:18): It is important that the Ballarat community continue to support each other, support our local businesses and support local jobs during this crisis. Sadly, casual employees at Sovereign Hill are already severely impacted by the economic downturn..

Home Care Services – Ministerial Response

I share your concern about the waiting time for Home Care Packages because even people who are assessed as high priority and are at risk, are waiting many months to have their needs even partially met by the Commonwealth.