Wendouree Electorate Planning – Adjournment Matter

Juliana ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:11): The adjournment matter that I wish to raise is for the Minister for Planning, and the action I seek is for the minister to come to my electorate of Wendouree to meet with stakeholders to discuss our plan for Victoria.

The Allan Labor government is preparing a plan for the whole of the state, and I want to ensure that the plan both includes and reflects the voices of the Ballarat community. I would welcome the opportunity for the minister to join me to hear from representative bodies, businesses and community organisations within my electorate about how we can make the Victoria of the future an even better place to live, work and play.

Such a visit to the Wendouree electorate would enable the minister to hear directly from my community about what they love about where they live – which is many, many things, I am sure – and what we need to prioritise when planning for the future. While not wanting to pre-empt this discussion, some ideas may include more diversity in the styles of homes we are building as well as more affordable homes; access to public transport as well as active transport options; the greening of our community spaces; and the creation of vibrant and social places for people to connect and to thrive.

I look forward to hearing a response from the minister.


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